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Jessie Cox Portrait Concert

The BlackBox Ensemble is thrilled to present a portrait concert of composer Jessie Cox, one of the daring and experimental composers of our time. Sitting at the intersection of avant-garde classical, experimental jazz, and sound art, Cox's music invites us to step into an ever-expanding sound world. In this portrait, the BlackBox Ensmeble pairs a selection of Cox's solo and chamber works with works by two composers - Dai Fujikura and George Lewis - whose influence on Cox has shaped his own music.


Jessie Cox: Quantify

Jessie Cox: The Same But Different (for solo drumset)

Jessie Cox: Time-Space (for solo bass clarinet)

Dai Fujikura: Abandoned Time

Jessie Cox: Existence Lies In-Between

George Lewis: Hexis

September 3

outside the box festival

February 28

BlackBox @ Sacred Music at Columbia